Maintenance of Buildings – UTH Services Department (UTHSD)

Although it is the responsibility of the trustees to ensure that the buildings and grounds are adequately maintained, Unlimited Townhouses makes a point of advising  on maintenance issues and strongly recommend that the trustees utilize UTH Services Department(UTHSD)



1. UTHSD merely acts as a facilitator.

2. Service providers make application on a prescribed form to UTHSD to become part of the panel of preferred contractors.

3. UTHSD considers each application and if the contractor meets the minimum requirements set by UTHSD and agrees to the service levels expected by UTHSD, the application is approved.

4. The contractor pays a nominal amount to UTHSD to offset part of the UTHSD costs such as salary and other related facilitator costs.

5. Preferred contractors are removed from the panel if they do not adhere to the requirements set by UTHSD or if they vary their hourly rates without prior consultation with UTHSD.

6. A dedicated call centre has been established by UTHSD to receive calls on all maintenance, Insurance and security related matters.

7. When a call for assistance is received for sundry minor maintenance items, one of the preferred contractors is requested to attend to the request as soon as possible. If that contractor is not able to respond within a reasonable period, another contractor is contacted.

8. In the case of larger projects, at least two contractors are requested to investigate and to submit their quotations to UTHSD. In such instances, all quotes are forwarded to the trustees together with a recommendation from UTHSD. The trustees will decide on which quotation to accept.

9. A technical officer is appointed in cases where complicated problems need to be properly assessed.
He will do an inspection, provide a report on the cause, provide solutions to the problems and draw up a scope of work and specifications in order to obtain comparable quotations. In such cases, there will be a charge based on the number of hours spent on site and time spent on the report.


If the trustees accept the quotation provided through UTHSD;

a) The project will be carried out by the preferred contractor and signed off by the trustees.

b) Should any problems be encountered with the workmanship or materials used, UTHSD will ensure that the contractor returns to the site to rectify such problems.

c) Payment is only made when authorized by the trustees


Should the trustees call upon UTHSD for assistance and then decide to obtain and accept quotes from contractors other than UTHSD preferred contractors, a call out fee will be charged for the inspection, report, scope of work and specifications arranged by the UTHSD preferred contractor.