Monthly Reports

In order for trustees to make good business decisions, they need to be informed and up to date on the financial standing of the Body Corporate. The following regular monthly reports are given to the trustees by Unlimited Townhouses between the 10th and the 15th of each month:-

    1. Trial balance (year to date) with previous year’s comparisons

    2. Balance Sheet for year to date

    3. Income & Expenditure report for the month and year to date vs the budget

    4. Cash flow statement for the month analysing receipts and payments

    5. Age Analysis of levy accounts of all owners

    6. Overdue levy report in respect of arrears

    7. Detailed report on any serious arrears giving full details of action taken to date and  response received

    8. A detailed ledger of all income and expenditure account

Monthly levy statements are despatched at about the 18th of each month for the following month and owners are given the following options of paying their levies into a dedicated trust account of the body corporate:-

    1. Payment by stop order

    2. Internet banking

    3. Auto teller transfers

    4. Telephone banking facilities

    5. Direct deposits into the banking account of the body corporate

    6. Cheques delivered to our offices

    7. For security reasons, cash is not accepted at our offices